The Daily Transcript By Thor Kamban Biberman 01/14/21 - Gafcon, Inc. and real estate economist Alan Nevin have formed a partnership to rehabilitate and sell what are currently deteriorating apartments in the region. The plan is to take existing Class B and C apartments with between 75 to 250 units and repair them to a level where they can make... read more
01/08/21 – San Diego Union Tribune : Developer 1HWY1 has spent four years and $18 million refining a 2 million square-foot project that includes multiple hotels, shops, an event center and a blue-tech campus. After spending more than four years refining a now $2.5 billion project, the developer picked to completely redo the existing 70 acres of land and... read more
12/15/20 – SchoolConstructionNews Featured Articles: California STEM Building Project Reaches Big Milestone By Lisa Kopochinski ANAHEIM, Calif.— Canyon High School ’s new state-of-the art S.T.E.M. classroom building in Anaheim recently marked a significant milestone with the final steel beam being lifted into place. The final beam, signed by students, staff and administrators, as well as community members and elected... read more
12/02/20 – Daily Transcript Staff Report San Diego-based Gafcon, Inc . on Tuesday announced the final steel beam has been placed on the two-story, 67,098-square-foot education building at Canyon High School in Anaheim . Gafcon is managing the construction project for Orange Unified School District . The $42.5 million project includes the new science, technology, engineering and mathematics building and the conversion of an existing administration building into... read more